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Friday, February 18, 2011

One Kenya

Flashback: Feb 28 2008,BBC Reports " Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga have signed an agreement to end the country's post-election crisis."

Take me back

to that place where the sand meets the ocean

where the mountain touches the sky

where the rich cope with the poor

where the Kalenjin tolerate the Kikuyu

where the Kikuyu tolerate the Luo

where all people fuse as one

one country

one flag

one Kenya

take me back

to that place where boys and girls

have equal opportunity

in a working...harmonious community

far removed from disunity

free from impunity

a place where you and me can live in peace

in harmony,in symphony,in synchrony

appreciating our idiosynchrocies

a place where children have the right to education

,where women have the right to property,

where citizens are free from poverty

a place where you and me have different views

but do not condemn each other and abuse

on grounds of race,tribe or religion

let us embark on a mission

seek to attain our vision

proudly without inhibition

one Kenya our ambition

a place where there is tolerance of each other

respect for one another

tolerance is the answer to this cancer caused by violence

too many of our people are suffering in silence

why do we sit back and watch them die?

why do we believe in an eye for an eye?

why cant we come together seek to touch the sky?

Take me back

to that place where the sand meets the ocean

where the mountain touches the sky

where all people fuse as one

one country

one flag


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